Renewing Governance Mechanism in Asia-Pacific
編:Peking University-Waseda University Joint Research Initiative
Preface(GEMMA Masahiko)
PartⅠ Changes and Challenges of Global Governance
Chapter1 The Belt and Road Initiative and China's New Grand Strategy(WANG Yong)
Chapter2 Environmental Dispute Settlement over Global Commons: From a Global Governance Perspective(IKESHIMA Taisaku)
Chapter3 Convergence of Investment and Trade Rules: China and Japan's Practice and Prospects(SONG Jiaqi)
Chapter4 Why Does Japan Emphasize the Construction of Digital Rules? An Examination from the Perspective of Digital Alliance Dilemma Theory(ZHANG Zefei)
PartⅡ Globalization and Its International Influence
Chapter5 Corruption and the Global Value Chain(YOKOI Rikidai, YOKOTA Kazuhiko)
Chapter6 Actors, Policy Preferences and U.S. High-tech Industry Export Control Policy(WANG Kaixuan)
Chapter7 “Small Yard and High Fence”: Building an Exclusionary International Order(LIAO Zhou)
Chapter8 Thucydides Trap and Prospects for Peace in the US-China relations(XU You)
Chapter9 The Impact of Digital Economy on the Export Upgrading of China's Manufacturing Industry: Empirical Evidence from 286 Prefecture-Level Cities(ZHU Jiexi)
Chapter10 What Drives Japanese Cross-border Acquisitions?(IINO Yoshiaki)
Chapter11 The Impact of International Migration on Trade in Services(LIU Jinchen)
PartⅢ International Law and the Changing World Order
Chapter12 What is the Most Fundamental Issue for International Law?(SUAMI Takao)
Chapter13 The Making of Global Public Authorities: The Role of IFIs in Setting International Labour Standards(CHEN Yifeng)
Chapter14 The Theory and Reality of Individual Responsibility: Reconsideration of the Position of Individual Rponsibility from the Viewpoint of Modes of Liability(NAGASAWA Hiromu)
Chapter15 Challenge of the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”from the Rights Holders’Perspective(ITO Kazuko)
PartⅣ Risk Management and Insurance in a Risk Society
Chapter16 Issues of Comprehensive Risk Financing for Disasters in Japan(LEE Hongmu)
Chapter17 A Review Study on the Shadow Banking Issue in China: A Comparison of the International and Domestic Developments of Shadow Banking(YAO Yangyang)
Chapter18 ESG Management Performance of Insurance Companies in Japan(HWANG Seungho)
PartⅤ Integration and Dilemma in Asian Education
Chapter19 Awareness of Inclusive Education Policy among Postsecondary English Language Teachers in Japan(YOUNG Davey)
Chapter20 Difficulties and Opportunities for Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning for Sustainability(THANOSAWAN Nuttapa)
PartⅥ 漢字・漢語研究の新地平
Chapter21 日本の人名における「月」の読み方(笹原宏之)
Chapter22 唐通事と漢訳洋書の翻訳(孫 建軍)
Chapter23 「女學生」の成立に関する一考察―語彙から女性への道徳的批判を考える―(羅 婷婷)
Chapter24 関連語から見る福沢諭吉による「文明」の使用(劉 釗希)
Afterward(TANG Shiqi)
。国際分類コード【Thema(シーマ)】 1:JPS。