

Haruki Murakami Manga Stories

著:Haruki Murakami
著:Jean-Christophe Deveney



Haruki Murakami's stories in graphic novel form for the first time!

Haruki Murakami's novels, essays and short stories have sold millions of copies worldwide and been translated into dozens of languages. Now for the first time, many of Murakami's best-loved short stories are available in graphic novel form in English. Haruki Murakami Manga Stories 1 is the first of three volumes, which will present a total of 9 short stories from Murakami's bestselling collections.

With their trademark mix of realism and fantasy, centering around Murakami's characteristic themes of loss, remorse and confusion, the four stories in this volume are:

"Super-Frog Saves Tokyo"
"Where I'm Likely to Find It"
"Birthday Girl"
"The Seventh Man"

This novel visual take on these classic Murakami stories will be devoured by his fans and provide a new window onto his work for younger readers not yet familiar with it!

『HARUKI MURAKAMI 9 STORIES』(スイッチパブリッシング刊)英訳版
●『HARUKI MURAKAMI 9 STORIES』(スイッチパブリッシング刊)より4作品を収録



"Super-Frog Saves Tokyo"
"Where I'm Likely to Find It"
"Birthday Girl"
"The Seventh Man"


著:Haruki Murakami
Haruki Murakami's first novel, Hear the Wind Sing, won the Gunzou Literature Prize in 1979. He is the author of many novels including Norwegian Wood, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Sputnik Sweetheart and Kafka on the Shore. He has written three short story collections: The Elephant Vanishes, After the Quake, and Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman.
著:Jean-Christophe Deveney
Jc Deveney (in charge of adaptation) was born in southern France and now lives in Lyon. He has collaborated with various publishers and his work has been published in Italy, Spain and Argentina. At the Lyon Bande dessinee Festival, he organizes international projects, "Webtrip comics" and exhibitions. He teaches adaptation and theater studies at a school of manga and illustration.
PMGL Pierre-Marie Grille-Liou (in charge of manga illustration) was born in Lyon, France. After graduating from graphic arts school, he worked for magazines, doujinshi and online magazines. He likes nonsense comedy, Sumerian mythology, noir and caricatures, and publishes comic strips, short stories and feature comics. His graphic novel "Jojo, moniteur de ski" (co-authored with B-gnet) was published in 2016 by Lapin Editions.

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