
Basics of Physics

著:Yasuo Hara
訳:Fumio Kawaizumi
訳:Tsuneo Uematsu



好評の『第5版 物理学基礎』の英訳版.フルカラー.

 物理学の建設は,速度,加速度,質量,仕事,エネルギー,温度,電荷,電流,電場,磁場,⋯ などの物理量(概念) と分子,原子,電子などの実体を導入して自然現象を考察し,物理量の数学的関係である物理法則を発見するという過程を通じて行われてきた.この視点に立って物理学を学ぶことは,物理学の知識を単に習得するだけでなく,物理学的な見方,考え方も学ぶことになる.
(1) 重要な概念(物理量) と法則が丁寧に説明してある,
(2) 例と例題を豊富に使って,法則とその適用の仕方の理解を助けるようにした,
(3) 各章末の多くの演習問題(A は比較的やさしく,B は比較的難しい) と巻末の詳しい解答で,各章の理解が深まるようにした,
(4) 式の導出と計算を丁寧に行い,単位の計算を含め計算の途中を省略しない,
(5) 高度の数学の不必要な使用は避け,必要な数学的事項は本文の中で説明し,数学的な困難のために物理学の理解が妨げられることのないようにした,
(6) 物理学の全体像が整理された形で系統的に理解できるように努めた,
(7) 本書の内容が講義には多すぎる場合があるかもしれないので,各章の前半に基本的事項,後半にオプション的事項を配置するよう努めた(見出しの右肩に❖ 印の付いた箇所は読まなくても,その後の学習に困難がないよう配慮して執筆した),

(2) 重要な結論や定義などは青色で印刷した.
(3) 重要な式は黄色で印刷した.



0 Introduction
0.1 What is physics?
0.2 Space and time
0.3 Physical quantities and physical laws
0.4 Units
0.5 Uncertainty in measured values and significant figures
1 Motion
1.1 Definition of velocity and acceleration
in linear motion, and differentiation
1.2 Velocity and acceleration of the general motion
1.3 Uniform circular motion
Problems for exercise 1
2 Laws of Motion and Laws of Force
2.1 Laws of motion
2.2 Various types of forces and laws of forces
Problems for exercise 2
3 Force and Motion
3.1 Differential equation and integration
3.2 Solving simple differential equations
Problems for exercise 3
4 Oscillation
4.1 Simple harmonic oscillation
4.2 Damped oscillation and forced vibration❖
Problems for exercise 4
5 Work and Energy
5.1 Work and power
5.2 Work and energy
5.3 Energy conservation law
Problems for exercise 5
6 Angular Momentum of Mass Point and Law of Rotational Motion
6.1 Rotational motion of mass point-case of planar motion
Problems for exercise 6
7 Mechanics of the Sytem of Particles
7.1 System of particles and center of gravity of rigid body
7.2 Motion of the system of particles
7.3 Angular momentum of the system of particles❖
Problems for exercise 7
8 Mechanics of Rigid Body
8.1 Equation of motion of rigid body and balance of rigid body
8.2 Rotational motion of the rigid body around the fixed axis and the moment of inertia
8.3 Planar motion of rigid body
Problems for exercise 8
9 Force of Inertia
9.1 Non-inertial frame and force of inertia (apparent force)
9.2 Centrifugal force and the Coriolis force
Problems for exercise 9
10 Mechanics of Elastics Body
10.1 Stress
10.2 Elastic constants
Problems for exercise 10
11 Mechanics of Fluid
11.1 Pressure in static fluids
11.2 Bernoulli’s law
11.3 Lift
11.4 Viscous drag and inertial resistance
Problems for exercise 11
12 Wave
12.1 Properties of waves
12.2 Wave equation and speed of waves❖
12.3 Principle of superposition of waves and interference
12.4 Reflection and refraction of waves
12.5 Standing wave
12.6 Sound waves
12.7 Group velocity and beat
Problems for exercise 12
13 Light
13.1 Reflection and refraction of light
13.2 Diffraction and interference of light waves
Problems for exercise 13
14 Heat
14.1 Heat and temperature
14.2 Transfer of heat
14.3 Kinetic theory of gases
14.4 van der Waals’ equation of state
Problems for exercise 14
15 Thermodynamics
15.1 The first law of thermodynamics
15.2 Molar heat capacity of ideal gas
15.3 The second law of thermodynamics
15.4 Heat engine and its efficiency
15.5 Principle of increase of entropy
15.6 Direction of thermodynamic phenomena ―isothermal process and free energy
Problems for exercise 15
16 Electrostatic Field in Vacuum
16.1 Charge and charge conservation law
16.2 Coulomb’s law
16.3 Electric field
16.4 Gauss’ law of electric field and its application
16.5 Electric potential
Problems for exercise 16
17 Conductor and Electrostatic Field
17.1 Conductor and electric field
17.2 Capacitor
Problems for exercise 17
18 Dielectric Substance and Electrostatic Field
18.1 Dielectric substances and polarization
Problems for exercise 18
19 Electric Current
19.1 Electric current and electromotive force
19.2 Ohm’s law
19.3 Direct current (DC) circuit
19.4 Current and work
19.5 CR circuit
Problems for exercise 19
20 Electric Current and Magnetic Field
20.1 Gauss’ law of the magnetic field B
20.2 Magnetic field generated by electric currents
20.3 Force acting on a charged particle (Lorentz force)
20.4 Force acting on the current
20.5 Force exerted between the currents
20.6 Magnetic field in the presence of magnetic bodies❖
Problems for exercise 20
21 Electromagnetic Induction
21.1 Discovery of electromagnetic induction
21.2 Law of electromagnetic induction
21.3 Electromagnetic induction with
constant magnetic field and moving coil
21.4 Self-induction and mutual induction
21.5 Alternating current
Problems for exercise 21
22 Maxwell Equation and Electromagnetic Wave
22.1 Maxwell equation
22.2 Electromagnetic wave
22.3 Electromagnetic fields
Problems for exercise 22
23 Theory of Relativity
23.1 The Michelson-Morley Experiment
23.2 Special theory of relativity
23.3 The time dilation of the moving clock and the length contraction of the moving rod
23.4 Theory of relativity and mechanics
23.5 Electromagnetic fields and
coordinate systems
Problems for exercise 23
24 Atomic Physics
24.1 Structure of atom
24.2 Duality of light
24.3 Duality of electron
24.4 Uncertainty principle
24.5 Stationary state of the atom and the line spectrum of light
24.6 Periodic law of elements
24.7 Metals, insulators, and semiconductors
24.8 Application of semiconductors
24.9 Laser
Problems for exercise 24
25 Nuclei and Elementary Particles
25.1 Composition of Nucleus
25.2 Binding energy of nucleus
25.3 Nuclear decay and radiation
25.4 Nuclear energy
25.5 Elementary particles
Problems for exercise 25
Appendix Mathematical Formulas
A.1 Properties of trigonometric functions
A.2 Exponential function
A.3 Properties of natural logarithm log_x
A.4 Primitive function and derivative function
A.5 Formulas of Vectors
Answers to Questions and Problems for exercises

Similarity rule
Founder of physics Galileo (1564-1642)
How much amount of work can a human perform with muscular strength a day?
Equation of motion that cars follow
Why is a running bicycle not falling down?
The discovery of Planck’s law and the birth of modern physics
Franklin and Faraday who laid the foundation of electromagnetism
Synchrotron radiation
Energy transfer line from battery to miniature light bulb (resistor)−Poynting’s vector−
Tunnel effect and Esaki diode
Dr Masatoshi Koshiba and neutrino astronomy
Dr Takaaki Kajita who has shown that the neutrinos possess tiny masses
Dr Shin-ichiro Tomonaga and Dr Hideki Yukawa
